prospective students

Dear Prospective Seafarers,


In these days when you will step into the university, you have come to the stage of choosing a profession that will determine your future in a way. Making the right decision at this stage is really important for you. I would like to give you some information about the maritime profession.

Maritime is a profession that highlights qualities of exploration, management, and leadership, dating back to the depths of history. It requires the ability to make decisions in the face of challenges. Those who choose this profession should enjoy traveling and be able to adapt to different cultures. Working conditions on ships, which are the main working environment, can be tough and exhausting. Marine Engineering Operations (Oceangoing Watchkeeping Engineering) is an esteemed and respected profession that can provide high income and has no difficulty in finding employment. Graduates immediately start working on Turkish and foreign-flagged ships upon graduation.

Students graduating from our department can work in the land sector of the maritime industry as well as working on ships. Currently, our graduates are working in ports, agencies, maritime companies and the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, General Directorate of Maritime Affairs, Ship Survey Board Specialist, Port State Controller.

Both male and female students can prefer our department. Students who win our department in the university entrance exam must obtain the "Seafarer's Health Attendance Certificate" in order to register. Students who cannot obtain the Seafarer's Health Attendance Certificate due to reasons such as color blindness etc. are placed by ÖSYM to a lower preference in the preference form in the same semester. Students who are enrolled take the Foreign Language Exemption exam administered by KTU Department of Foreign Languages. Students who are successful in this exam are directly enrolled in the 1st grade. Students who do not take the exam, who take the exam and fail, or who take the exam and are successful but want to study preparatory class are enrolled in English Preparatory Class for 1 year.

Throughout the four-year undergraduate program, students are required to wear uniforms. Boarding is not compulsory at KTU Department of Marine Engineering. However, students who wish can stay in modern dormitories affiliated to the University. There is no housing problem.

You can ask questions about the department and the profession by e-mail under the contact tab or by phone. If you have the opportunity, we will be happy to inform you with a face-to-face meeting by making an appointment.