


Fakhernia, A., & Altın, İ., (2023). 

Investigation of process-induced failures using Fault Tree Analysis method in a process gas compressor

5th International Conference of Materials and Engineering Technology (TICMET'23) (pp.91-105). Trabzon, Turkey               

Yanık, O., & Altın, İ., (2023). 

Gemi liman operasyonlarının egzoz emisyonu potansiyeli açısından araştırılması: Trabzon Limanı örneği

Uluslararası Katılımlı 24. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (ULIBTK'23) (pp.44-51). Ankara, Turkey               

Çopuroğlu, H. İ., Peşman, E., Katayama, T., Yoshida, N., & Kinugasa, M., (2023). 

Effects of the Bilge Keel Shape on Roll Damping


Çopuroğlu, H. İ., Peşman, E., & Taylan, M., (2023). 

Assessment of second-generation intact stability criteria and case study for a Ro-Ro ship

International Ship Stability Workshop, 11-13 September 2023, Istanbul (pp.1-6). İstanbul, Turkey               

Çopuroğlu, H. İ., Peşman, E., & Katayama, T., (2023). 

Experimental and numerical investigation of viscous effects on parametric roll motion

International Ship Stability Workshop, 11-13 September 2023, Istanbul (pp.1-7). İstanbul, Turkey               

Ulucutsoy, A., Saraç, B., & Aksu, E., (2023). 

Ship Resistance Reduction Methods

4th International Naval Architecture and Maritime Symposium (pp.1083-1097). İstanbul, Turkey               



Ulucutsoy, A., & Saraç, B., (2022). 

Wastes Occurred on Ships and Methods Of Disposal Of Waste Under The Marpol 73/78 Convention


Ulucutsoy, A., & Saraç, B., (2022). 

Havadan Bağımsız Denizaltı Sevk Sistemleri Teknolojilerinin Değerlendirilmesi

5.Ulusal Deniz Bilimleri Konferansı (pp.206-207). Trabzon, Turkey               


Saral, D., & Köse, E., (2021). 

Türkiye?de Balıkçı Gemileri Üzerine Yapılan Akademik Çalışmalar

2nd International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology (pp.471-490). İstanbul, Turkey               

Saral, D., & Köse, E., (2021).

Karadeniz Tipi Balıkçı Gemilerinde Skeg Konumlarının Direnç Açısından İncelenmesi

2nd International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology (pp.383-396). İstanbul, Turkey            

Gürgen, S., & Altın, İ., (2021).

Optimization of the Regenerative Organic Rankine Cycle for Greener Shipping

4th Global Conference on Innovation in Marine Technology and the Future of Maritime Transporta (pp.34). İstanbul, Turkey               

Gürgen, S., & Altın, İ., (2021).

Gemi egzoz gazından atık ısı geri kazanımı için organik rankine çevriminin çok amaçlı gri kurt algoritması ile optimizasyonu

Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology (pp.111-129). İstanbul, Turkey               

Altın, İ., Bilgin, A., & Sezer, İ., (2021). 

Theoretical investigation of engine performance and exhaust emissions in ethanol-fueled dual-plug SI engine

5th International Anatolian Energy Symposium (pp.670-678). Trabzon, Turkey               

Pehlivan, E. F., & Altın, İ., (2021). 

Full-scale CFD model of two-stroke marine diesel engine

8th International Conference on Renewable Fuels, Combustion and Fire (FCE'21)  (pp.260-264). Ankara, Turkey                   

Şahin, Ö. S., Karamanoğlu, E., Çakıcı, F., & Peşman, E., (2021). 

Kayıcı Teknelerin Hidrodinamik Performansını Artırıcı İnterseptör Tasarımı

2nd International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology (pp.465-475). İstanbul, Turkey               

Rashıd, A., Ayhan, T., Demirtaş, C., Saraç, B., & Keskin, F., (2021). 

Outline Of the Innovative Idea on The Enhancement Of Natural Vacuum Desalination (Nvd) Technique By Using Thermoelectric Modules

Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology 16-18 September 2021, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul (pp.105-115). İstanbul, Turkey               

Keskin, F., Saraç, B., Demirtaş, C., Aksu, E., & Ayhan, T., (2021). 

Nemli Atmosferik Havadan Su Eldesinde Konik Kütle Yüzeyinde Oluşan Yoğuşuk Üretiminin İncelenmesi

ULIBTK?21 Uluslararası Katılımlı 23. Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi, 08-10 Eylül 2021, GAZİANTEP (pp.1374-1382). Gaziantep, Turkey               

Çolak, K., Ölmez, H., & Saraç, B., (2021). 

Gemi Ana Makine Ön Isıtmasında Dizel Jeneratör Egzoz Gazları Kullanımının Enerji Tasarrufuna Etkisinin Termodinamik Analizi

2nd International Congress On Ship And Marine Technology (pp.587-602). İstanbul, Turkey               

Keskin, F., Demirtaş, C., Saraç, B., & Ayhan, T., (2021). 

Serender Tipi Kurutma Kabinine Uygulanan Yenilikçi Klima Kanalının Enerji Verimi Tasarımı

II. International Science and Innovation Congress, 25-27 July 2021, TURKEY, Turkey               

Bali, T., & Saraç, B., (2021). 

Dönme Üreteçlerine Ait Şekil Direnci Katsayılarının Belirlenmesi İçin Boyut Analizi Esaslı Bir Yöntem

15. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (pp.735). Trabzon, Turkey               

Aksu, E., (2021). 

Fotovoltaik Sistemlerin Gemilerde ve Yüzer Yapılarda Kullanımı

2nd International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology (pp.77-86). İstanbul, Turkey               

Tuti, M., Şahin, Z., & Durgun, O., (2021).  

Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Water Addition into the Intake Air on Cylinder Pressure, Temperature, Heat Release Rate and Combustion Duration in an Automotive Diesel Engine

Uluslararası Katılımlı 23. Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (ULIBTK 2021) (pp.785-795). Gaziantep, Turkey               


Kara, G., (2020). 

Study On Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Of Surface Layer Formed On Titanium By Boronitriding

5. International Conference on Material Science and Technology (IMSTEC 2020) (pp.5-7). Niğde, Turkey               

Kara, G., (2020). 

Boride Layer Evolution Depending on Boriding Agents

5. International Conference on Material Science and Technology (IMSTEC 2020) (pp.8-10). Niğde, Turkey               


Alkan, A., Özşeker, K., Yıldız, İ., & Dinçer, A. C., (2019). 

Determination of Metal Concentrations in Değirmendere Stream Drainage Area of Southeastern Black Sea Coast of Turkey

International Environmental Chemistry Congress               

Dinçer, A. C., (2019). 

The state of Turkish fishing sector over the last two decades

5th İnternational Scientific Conference "İnternational Dialogues" (pp.134-141). Telavi, Georgia               

Türk, A., & Özkök, M., (2019). 

Investigation of Bilge System Assembly Operations of the Black Sea Type Fishing Vessels

III. Global Conference on Innovation in Marine Technology and the Future of Maritime Transportation (pp.579-587). İzmir, Turkey               

Altın, İ., Bilgin, A., & Sezer, İ., (2019). 

Theoretical investigation on combustion characteristics of ethanol-fueled dual-plug SI engine

7th International Conference on Renewable Fuels Combustion and Fire (pp.345-346). Antalya, Turkey               

Erkurtulmuş, S. A., Yahşi, M., & Peşman, E., (2019). 

Bandırma Körfezi İçin Dalga Tahmin Yöntemleri

2. Uluslararası Bandırma ve Çevresi Sempozyumu (UBS?19) (pp.256-266). Balıkesir, Turkey               

Saraç, B., Aksu, E., & Ayhan, T., (2019). 

Bir Ortam Havası Soğutma Süreçlerindeki Tersinmezliklerin Üfleme Havası Ekserji Değeri Limitlerine Etkileri

4th International Symposium on InnovativeApproaches in Engineering and NaturalSciences, Samsun, Turkey               

Saraç, B., Aksu, E., & Nacak, C., (2019). 

Investigation of maximum work potentials in a vessel diesel engine waste heat according to Carnot theory

3th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (pp.529-536). Bayburt, Turkey               

Saraç, B., & Ayhan, T., (2019). 

Brayton-Dizel Bileşik Çevriminde Giriş Havası Soğutma Uygulamasının Çevrim Performansına Etkilerinin Termodinamik Analizi

ULIBTK?19 22th Congress of Thermal Sciences and Technology (pp.118). Kocaeli, Turkey     

Kara, G., & Pürçek, G., (2019). 

Investigation of mechanical properties and biocompatiblity of borided titanium alloys with different crystalline structures

2. International Turkish World Engineering and Science Congress (pp.728-732). Antalya, Turkey               

Kara, G., & Pürçek, G., (2019).

Characterization of microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy borided by electron beam evaporation technique

2. International Turkish World Engineering and Science Congress (pp.733-737). Antalya, Turkey               

Midilli, A., Küçük, H., & Akbulut, U., (2019).

Some Indicators in Evaluating Exergetic Sustainability Aspects for Hydrogen Gas Flowing Through the Annular Curved Duct

10th International Conference on Hydrogen Production (ICH2P-2019), Cluj-Napoca, Romania               



Erkebay, Ş., Erkebay, C., Köse, E., & Morkoyunlu Yüce, A., (2018). 

Domestic Waste Water Discharge Case Study in Trabzon

II. Uluslararası Şehir, Çevre ve Sağlık Kongresi (pp.200-204). Nevşehir, Turkey               

Sekban, D. M., Ölmez, H., Aktarer, S. M., Köse, E., & Pürçek, G., (2018).

Effect of Friction Stir Processing on Ultimate Strength of Ship Hull Girder Plates Estimated by Finite Element Analysis

3rd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NAVAL ARCHITECTURE AND MARITIME (pp.175-184). İstanbul, Turkey               

Demir, U., & Köse, E., (2018). 

Destructive Weld Seam Inspection of High Density Polyethylene Material

3rd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (pp.461-470). İstanbul, Turkey               

Demir, U., & Köse, E., (2018).

Culture Fishing Boat Design From Polyethylene Material

3rd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (pp.277-286). İstanbul, Turkey               

Özkök, M., Köse, S., & Köse, E., (2018).

A Survey of Ship Manoeuvring Times in Trabzon Port

3rd International Naval Architecture and Maritime Symposium (pp.435-443). İstanbul, Turkey               

Saral, D., Aydın, M., & Köse, E., (2018).

Investigation of the Influence of Bulbous Bow Forms on Resistance of an ITU Fishing Vessel Family Hull

3rd International Naval Architecture and Maritime Symposium (INT-NAM 2018) (pp.595-610). İstanbul, Turkey               

Genç, Y., & Özkök, M., (2018). 

Examination of Preparation to Be Performed Before Sea Trial

International Technological Sciences and Design Symposium (pp.213-223). Giresun, Turkey

Gürgen, S., & Altın, İ., (2018). 

Engine performance and exhaust gas temperature modeling in a diesel Engine performance and exhaust gas temperature modeling in a diesel networks and regression analysis

2nd International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Scientific Studies (pp.163-166). Samsun, Turkey               

Bölek, A., Bayraktar, S., Konur, G., Ataseven, A., & Peşman, E., (2018).

Implementation of Bell Spanload Wing Design to the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

INT-NAM 2018 3rd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime, İstanbul, Turkey               

Çopuroğlu, H. İ., & Peşman, E., (2018). 

A Numerical Study on Aerodynamics Characteristics of a Feeder Container Ship

INT-NAM 2018 3rd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime, İstanbul, Turkey               

Şener, M. Z., Çopuroğlu, H. İ., Peşman, E., & Özmen, Y., (2018). 

Analysis of energy production efficiency of an owc wave energy converter

IV. Uluslararası Katılımlı Anadolu Enerji Sempozyumu (pp.1-7). Edirne, Turkey               

Konal, M., & Saraç, B., (2018). 

Optimum Insulation Thickness Of Spherical Cargo Tank Of Lng Carrier Ships

1st International Technology Sciences and Design Symposium               

Saraç, B., Nacak, C., & Alver, F., (2018). 

Evaluation of Unman System Ships

1. International Technological Sciences and Design Symposium (pp.133). Giresun, Turkey               

Saraç, B., Alver, F., Nacak, C., & Alver Şahin, Ü., (2018). 

Evaluation of Ship Emissions in Giresun Port

1. International Technological Sciences and Design Symposium (pp.135). Giresun, Turkey               

Saraç, B., Alver, F., & Alver Şahin, Ü., (2018). 

Carbon Dioxide Emissions From Ships in Giresun Port, Turkey

1. International Technological Sciences and Design Symposium (pp.201). Giresun, Turkey               

Saraç, B., & Ayhan, T., (2018). 

Compressed Air Storage with Renewable Energy Resources

EJONS International Congress on Mathematic, Engineering and Natural Sciences-III (pp.163). Mardin, Turkey               

Kara, G., & Pürçek, G., (2018). 

Mechanical Characterization of Boride Layers Formed on Alpha, Beta And Alphabeta Titanium Alloys

3. International Conference on Material Science and Technology (IMSTEC 2018) (pp.444-447). Niğde, Turkey               

Kara, G., & Pürçek, G., (2018). 

Evolution Of Boride Layers on Alpha, Beta Andalphabeta Titanium Alloys

3. International Conference on Material Science and Technology (IMSTEC 2018) (pp.431-434). Niğde, Turkey               

Şahin, Z., Tuti, M., & Durgun, O., (2018). 

Experimental Investigation of The Effects of Inlet Water Injection On Engine Performance And Exhaust Emissions In A Di Diesel Engine

14. Uluslararası Yanma Sempozyumu (pp.1-10). Karabük, Turkey               

Demirçay, H., Mehan, M., Topal, M. E., Kalıncı, Y., Bayraktar, Ş., Akbulut, U., Küçük, H., (2018).

Effect of Inlet Air Temperature on Exergetic Performance of Hydrogen Production from Car Tires via Plasma Gasification

3rd International Hydrogen Technologies Congress (pp.366-369).                


Köse, S., Uyar, B. B., Köse, E., & Özkök, M., (2017). 

Trabzon Limanında Gemi Bekleme Süresine Hava Koşullarının Etkisinin Araştırılması

ICADET 2017 (pp.1001-1007). Bayburt, Turkey               

Köse, E., Özkök, M., Demirci, E., & Peşman, E., (2017). 

Modeling of Short Sea Shipping Tanker in Black Sea

TRANSNAV 2017, (pp.179-182). Gdynia, Poland                                

Köse, S., Uyar, B. B., Özkök, M., & Demirel, F. B., (2017). 

Trabzon Limanı Elleçleme Ekipmanlarının Yakıt Tüketim Maliyetleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma

International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (pp.1584-1592). Bayburt, Turkey               

Özkök, M., & Helvacıoğlu, İ. H., (2017). 

Simulation-Based Modeling of Block Assembly Area at Shipyards

12 th International Conference on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation TRANSNAV 2017 (pp.165-170). Gdynia, Poland               

Altın, İ., & Bilgin, A., (2017). 

Investigation of the Performance Characteristics in a Natural Gas Fuelled Twin Spark SI Engine

2nd International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technologies (pp.905-910). Bayburt, Turkey               

Gürgen, S., Ünver, B., Saral, D., & Altın, İ., (2017). 

CO2 Emission Forecasting of Turkey using Artificial Neural Networks

IV. International Multidicciplinary Congress of Eurasia (pp.189-195). ROMA, Italy               

Gürgen, S., Ünver, B., & Altın, İ., (2017).

Electric Drive Vehicles and Future Expectations

IV. International Multidisciplinary Conress of Eurasia (pp.78-83). ROMA, Italy               

Altın, İ., & Bilgin, A., (2017). 

Spherical Flame Front Propagation Modeland its Validation in Simplified Pent-Roof Combustion Chamber

6th International Conference on Renewable Fuels Combustion and Fire (pp.323). Kayseri, Turkey               

Çopuroğlu, H. İ., & Peşman, E., (2017). 

Kıyı Tipi Dalga Enerjisinden Elektrik Üretim Sistemlerinin Dolgu Alanlarında Kullanılabilirliğinin Araştırılması

International Congress of the New Approaches and Technologies for Sustainable Development (pp.417). Isparta, Turkey               

Özmen, Y., Peşman, E., Şener, M. Z., & Çopuroğlu, H. İ., (2017).  

Çift dümen etrafındaki akış karakteristiklerinin sayısal incelenmesi

ULIBTK?17, 21. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (pp.271-277). Çorum, Turkey               

Erkurtulmuş, S. A., & Peşman, E., (2017). 

A Modal Analysis of TLP With Tendons

International Conference on Engineering Technology and Innovation (pp.43). Sarajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina               

Kolukisa, D. C., Ozbulut, M., & Peşman, E., (2017). 

An Investigation on The Effects of Time Integration Schemes on Weakly Compressible SPH Method Marine 2017

7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering (MARINE) (pp.825-835). Nantes, France               

Erkurtulmus, S., Peşman, E., & Çopuroğlu, H. İ., (2017). 

A comparison of loading conditions effects on the vertical motions of turret-moored FPSO . International Conference on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation: Safety of Sea TransportationSafety of Sea Transportation

TRANSNAV 2017 (pp.243-248). Gdynia, Poland               

Saraç, B., & Ayhan, T., (2017). 

Design configuration analysis of renewable energy powered water harvesting device from air

International Forestry and Environment Symposium ?Climate Change and Tree Migration IFES2017 (pp.1). Trabzon, Turkey               

Saraç, B., & Aksu, E., (2017). 

Implementation of Computer-Aided Engineering Graphics Techniques in NavalArchitecture and Marine Mechanical Engineering Program

2nd International Scientific Researches Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences (IBAD-2017) (pp.93). İstanbul, Turkey               

Kara, G., & Pürçek, G., (2017). 

Effect of Boriding Mixture on Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Borided CP Grade-2 Ti

BalkanTRib?17 9. International Conference on Tribology (pp.1). Nevşehir, Turkey               

Kara, G., & Pürçek, G., (2017). 

Microstructure and Wear Behaviour of Borided Ti-6Al-4V Alloy by Solid State Diffusion Process

BalkanTRib17 9. International Conference on Tribology (pp.1). Nevşehir, Turkey               

Kara, G., & Pürçek, G., (2017).

Tribological behavior of borided cp titanium (grade-2) under linear reciprocating sliding conditions

IBERTRIB 2017 ? IX Iberian Conference on Tribology (pp.1). Guimarães, Portugal               

Midilli, A., Küçük, H., & Akbulut, U., (2017). 

An Investigation on Exergetic Performance of Hydrogen Gas Flowing through the Annular Curved Duct

2nd International Hydrogen Technologies Congress (pp.279-286). Adana, Turkey               


Dinçer, A. C., (2016). 

Assessment of Turkish Fishng Fleet

Second international conference of the maritime industry: maritime transport, engineering, technologies, logistics, tourism (pp.114-118). Batum, Georgia               

Köse, E., & Eyüboğlu, E., (2016). 

A Remote Monitoring and Feeding System for Aquaculture Cages

LACQUA16 (pp.146). Lima, Peru               

Şener, M. Z., Köse, E., & Aksu, E., (2016).

Investigation of Flowing Air Characteristics Around a Marine Radar Antenna with CFD

The Second Global Conference on Innovation in Marine Technology and the Future of Maritime Transportation (pp.805-810). Muğla, Turkey               

Seyhan, K., Kose, E., Erüz, C., Özşeker, K., & Yazır, D., (2016). 

Sediment Transport and Management Scenarios of The Infiling Operations at The Trabzon Port, Eastern Black Sea Coast of Turkey

The II. International Conference "Innovation Challenges of The Maritime Industry:Maritime Transport, Engineering Technologies, Logistics, Tourism" (pp.380). Batum, Georgia               

Köse, E., (2016). 

Investigation of Traffics at Trabzon Port

Social Science, Humanity and Education Research (SSHERC-16)               

Yazır, D., Köse, E., & Özdemir, Ü., (2016). 

Modelling Of Cohesive–Sediment Depositional Areas in Themarine Environment

International Conference on Engineering and Natural Sciences (ICENS) 2016 (pp.111). Saraybosna, Bosnia And Herzegovina               

Genç, Y., & Özkök, M., (2016). 

The Purpose and Effects of IMO PSPC Implementation for Ballast Tanks- Review Study

First International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology (pp.243-247). İstanbul, Turkey               

Kafalı, M., Ünsan, Y., & Özkök, M., (2016). 

Monte Carlo Simulation Exercise in the Ship Production Planning

First International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology (pp.123-133). İstanbul, Turkey               

Genç, Y., Özkök, M., & Alver, F., (2016). 

The Parameters that Influence Block Assembly and Erection Process on the Slipway

First International Congress on Ship and Marine Technology (pp.181-187). İstanbul, Turkey               

Kaptan, M., Uğurlu, Ö., & Özkök, M., (2016). 

Maritime Labour Force and Turkey

The Second Global Conference on Innovation in Marine Technology and the Future of Maritime Transportation (pp.766-771). Muğla, Turkey               

Çopuroğlu, H., Peşman, E., & Özkök, M., (2016). 

CFD Analysis of Flettern Rotor Ships and Performance Determination Based on Simulation Environment

The Second Global Conference on Innovation in Marine Technology and the Future of Maritime Transportation (pp.11-23). Muğla, Turkey               

Çebi, S., Şahin, Y., Akyüz, E., Özkök, M., Çelik, M., & Acuner, Ö., (2016).

Mesleki risklerin analizi ve önlenmesi için web tabanlı karar destek sistemi geliştirilmesi

International Conference on Safety & Health, İstanbul, Turkey               

Altın, İ., (2016). 

Gemi dizel makinelerinde NOx emisyonunu azaltmak için uygulanan yöntemlerin maliyet analizi

1. Uluslararası Gemi ve Deniz Teknolojisi Kongresi (pp.729-734). İstanbul, Turkey               

Pehlivan, E. F., & Altın, İ., (2016). 

Investigation of engine performance characteristics in biodiesel pilot fueled natural gas engine with stochastic reactor model

The 1st International Conference on Alternative Fuels: Future and Challenges (pp.20). Kayseri, Turkey               

Gürgen, S., Ünver, B., & Altın, İ., (2016).

Experimental investigation of cyclic variations in diesel engine using ethanol diesel fuel blends

The Second Global Conference on Innovation in Marine Technology and The Future Of Maritime Transportation (pp.729-734). Muğla, Turkey               

Pehlivan, E. F., Altın, İ., & Gürgen, S., (2016). 

Investigation of exhaust emissions in a biodiesel pilot fueled natural gas engine using a stochastic reactor model

The Second Global Conference on Innovation In Marine Technology And The Future Of Maritime Transportation (pp.720-728). Muğla, Turkey               

Altın, İ., Bilgin, A., & Albayrak Çeper, B., (2016).

Parametric study on some combustion characteristics in a natural gas fueled dual plug SI engine

9th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Environmental Protection (pp.596-603). Kayseri, Turkey               

Pehlivan, E. F., Altın, İ., & Soyhan, H. S., (2016).

Investigation of Heat Release Rate of Biodiesel Pilot Fuelled Natural Gas Engine with Stochastic Reactor Model

Conference on Fuels, Fire and Combustion in Engineering (pp.7-9). İstanbul, Turkey               

Çopuroğlu, H. İ., & Peşman, E., (2016). 

A Study on Aerodynamic Effects of Superstructures Shapes by using CFD

GMO-SHIPMAR 2016 (pp.1-11). İstanbul, Turkey               

Erkurtulmuş, S. A., & Peşman, E., (2016). 

A vessel/mooring coupled dynamic analysis of catenary-moored FPSO installed for Black Sea

GMO-SHIPMAR 2016 (pp.1-11). İstanbul, Turkey               

Kolukısa, D. C., Özbulut, M., & Peşman, E., (2016). 

A Systematical Investigation on the Spatial and Temporal Discretization of SPH Method

GMO-SHIPMAR 2016 (pp.1-11). İstanbul, Turkey               

Alver, F., Saraç, B., Nacak, C., & Alver Şahin, Ü., (2016). 

Evalautaion of ship sourced Carbondioxide emissions in Samsun Port Turkey

GMO SHİPMAR-2016               

Saraç, B., Al-Abbasi, O., Abdalla, A. Y.,  & Ayhan, T., (2016). 

Exergy Analysis of A Solar Distillation Unit (Humidification-Dehumidification Cycle) Including An Air-Heating Solar Collector And A Condenser In Bahrain

World Renewable Energy Congress – 17 (pp.59). Manama, Bahrain               

Alver, F., Saraç, B., & Alver Şahin, Ü., (2016). 

Emission Inventory of Ships in Samsun Port, Turkey

1st International Black Sea Congress On Environmental Sciences (pp.111). Giresun, Turkey               

Özmen, Y., & Aksu, E., (2016). 

Farklı Kavite Geometrilerinde Yüzey Basınç Dağılımlarının Deneysel İncelenmesi

VI. Ulusal Havacılık ve Uzay Konferansı, Turkey               

Kara, G., & Pürçek, G., (2016). 

Microstructure and tribological properties of β-Ti alloy borided by elecron beam evaporation

International Conference on Engineering Tribology and Applied Technology (ICETAT 2016) (pp.1). Taipei, Taiwan               

Tuti, M., Şahin, Z., & Durgun, O., (2016). 

Thermodynamic diesel engine cycle modeling and prediction of engine performance parameters

1. Uluslararası Gemi veDeniz Teknolojisi Kongresi (GMO-SHIPMAR), İstanbul, Turkey               

Durgun, O., Şahin, Z., & Tuti, M., (2016). 

Experimental Investigation of The Effects of Water Adding To The Intake Air On Diesel Engine Performance And Heat Release Analysis

8th International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (IEEES-8), (pp.730-736) May 1-4, 2016, Antalya, Turkey 

Gürgen, S., Ünver, B., & Altın, İ., (2016). 

Experimental Investigation of Cyclic Variations in Diesel Engine Using Ethanol-Diesel Fuel Blends

The Second Global Conference on Innovation in Marine Technology and the Future of Maritime Transportation (pp.1-10). Muğla, Turkey               


Köse, E., Seyhan, K., Yazır, D., Erüz, C., & Özşeker, K., (2015). 

Modelling of Trabzon Port

ICME Final Conference               

Köse, E., Seyhan, K., Yazır, D., Erüz, C., & Özşeker, K., (2015). 

Futures affecting Trabzon Harbor  A case study of filling the port

1st International Conference on Sea and Coastal Development in the Frame of Sustainability               

Eruz, C., Özşeker, K., Kose, E., Manı, F., & Erbas, S., (2015). 

Structuring and Habitats Loss in the South Eastern Black Sea Coastal Region

ICOSET: 1st International Conferance on Environmental Science and Technology (pp.100-106). Serajevo, Bosnia And Herzegovina               

Yazır, D., & Köse, E., (2015). 

Modelling Of River Discharges In The South-Easteren

1 st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENVERİONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (pp.229). Saraybosna, Bosnia And Herzegovina               

Başar, E., & Köse, E., (2015). 

Prejudice Effects on Selecting Works on a Multicultural Ships: A Case Study on Turkish Seafarers

The 5 th Annual ILAC International Conferance"Moving towards an Intergration of Language and Culture" (pp.145-153). Bangkok, Thailand               

Kara, G., Pürçek, G., & Yanar, H., (2015). 

Improvement of wear behaviour of titanium by boriding

TURKEYTRIB 2015 1st International Conference on Tribology (pp.1). İstanbul, Turkey               



Kafalı, M., Özkök, M., & Köse, E., (2014). 

A Study on Subcontractor Selection Criteria for Shipbuilding Industry

INT-NAM 2nd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (pp.323-332). İstanbul, Turkey               

Başar, E., Köse, E., & Erol, S., (2014). 

Effects of the Sport Habits on Accidents Onboard a Ship: A Case Study on Turkish Maritime Cadets

Fifth International Conference on Sport and Society (pp.1). Rio De Jenerio, Brazil               

Kafali, A., Özkök, M., & Helvacioglu, P., (2014). 

Determination of Criteria Weights for Shipyard Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

2nd International Conference on Maritime Technology, ICMT 2014 (pp.58-65). Glasgow, United Kingdom               

Peşman, E., Ölmez, H., & Taylan, M., (2014). 

On The Roll Motion A Ship With Passive Anti-Roll Tank In Regular Longitudinal Waves

INT-NAM 2014 2nd International Symposium on Naval Architecture and Maritime (pp.531-545). İstanbul, Turkey               

Kara, G., Pürçek, G., Bacaksız, E., & Atasoy, Y., (2014). 

Improvement Of Wear Resistance Of Pure Titanium (Grade-2) By Boriding Using Electro-Beam Evaporation Technique At Room Temperature

BALKANTRIB?14, 8th International Conference on Tribology (pp.1). Sinaia, Romania               


Dinçer, A. C., & Mutlu, T., (2013). 

Economic Assessment Of Turkish Purse Seiners Operated In The Black Sea

40th CIESM Congress (pp.788). Marsilya, France            

Uğurlu, Ö., Yüksekyıldız, E., & Köse, E., (2013). 

Simulation of BOTAS Ceyhan Marine Terminals

10th Jubilee International Conference TRANSNAV 2013 (pp.1). Gdynia, Poland     

Özkök, M., (2013). 

Simulation Model of Nest Cutting Activities in Shipbuilding

7th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS?13) (pp.57-63). İstanbul, Turkey               

Özkök, M., & Kafali, A., (2013). 

Evaluation of Pipe Cutting Technologies Used by Shipyards with Fuzzy Logic

7th International Advanced Technologies Symposium (IATS?13) (pp.8-13). İstanbul, Turkey               

Altın, İ., & Bilgin, A., (2013). 

Buji ateşlemeli bir motorda çift buji kullanılmasının motor performans karakteristikleri ve egzoz emisyonları üzerindeki etkilerinin teorik olarak incelenmesi

19. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (pp.1151-1156). Samsun, Turkey               

Özmen, Y., & Aksu, E., (2013). 

Düz çatılı silindirik bir bina üzerinden türbülanslı akış

ULIBTK?13, 19. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (pp.107-112). Samsun, Turkey               

Kılıç, A., Küçük, H., & Midilli, A., (2013). 

A Study on Single Layer Drying Curve Equations

Sixth International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, Turkey               

Midilli, A., & Küçük, H., (2013). 

Exergetic Sustainability Analysis of a Single Layer Solar Drying Process

The Sixth International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium (pp.551-557). Rize, Turkey               


Sekban, D. M., Köse, E., & Ölmez, H., (2012). 

Köpük Dolgulu Tüp Monte Edilmiş Bir Kompozit Teknede Oluşan Ek Darbe Direnci ve Denizcilik Analizi

Gemi İnşaatı ve Deniz Teknolojisi Teknik Kongresi (pp.121-130). İstanbul, Turkey               

Kolukısa, D. C., Köse, E., & Aksu, E., (2012). 

Baştan Gelen Dalgalarda Kanatçıkların Dalıp Çıkma ve Baş Kıç Vurma Hareketleri Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Araştırılması

Gemi İnşaatı ve Deniz Teknolojisi Teknik Kongresi (pp.225-235). İstanbul, Turkey               

Ölmez, H., Köse, E., & Peşman, E., (2012).

Doğu Karadeniz gemi inşa sanayi ve üniversite iş birliği -2 "Trabzon gemi inşa sanayinde kümelenme yaklaşımı ve rekabet stratejileri"

Gemi İnşaatı ve Deniz Teknolojisi Teknik Kongresi 2012 (pp.249-260). İstanbul, Turkey               

Ölmez, H., Köse, E., & Peşman, E., (2012). 

Doğu Karadeniz gemi inşa sanayi ve üniversite iş birliği -1 "Yeniçam tersanesinde üretim destek ve hizmet merkezi kurulması"

Gemi İnşaatı ve Deniz Teknolojisi Teknik Kongresi 2012 (pp.234-248). İstanbul, Turkey               

Aksu, E., Köse, E., & Ölmez, H., (2012). 

Doğu Karadeniz Tipi Balıkçı Gemilerindeki Yapısal Değişiklikler ve Etkilerinin İncelenmesi

Gemi İnşaatı ve Deniz Teknolojisi Teknik Kongresi 2012 (pp.515-523). İstanbul, Turkey               

Uğurlu, Ö., Köse, E., Başar, E., Yüksekyıldız, E., & Yıldırım, U., (2012). 

Investigation of Working Hours of Watchkeeping Officers on Short Sea Shipping: A Case Study in an Oil Tanker

IAME 2012 (pp.560-568). Taipei, Taiwan               

Uğurlu, Ö., Başar, E., & Köse, E., (2012). 

Risk Analysis of the Fire and Explosion Accidents in Oil Tankers

5th International Conference on Maritime Transport (pp.135-148). Barselona, Spain               

Kafalı, A., & Özkök, M., (2012).

Tersane Başlangıç Yerleşiminin Oluşturulması

Gemi İnşaatı ve Deniz Teknolojisi Teknik Kongresi (pp.51-60). İstanbul, Turkey               

Özkök, M., (2012). 

Tersane Kazalarının Tanımlanması ve İstatistiksel Olarak Değerlendirilmesi

Gemi İnşaatı ve Deniz Teknolojisi Teknik Kongresi (pp.41-50). İstanbul, Turkey               

Peşman, E., & Taylan, M., (2012). 

Düzensiz boyuna dalgalarda bir geminin yalpa hareketi analizi

Gemi İnşaatı ve Deniz Teknolojisi Teknik Kongresi 2012 (pp.87-98). İstanbul, Turkey               

Ölmez, H., Peşman, E., & Sekban, D. M., (2012). 

Gemilerin yapısal modelleme ve analizlerinin sonlu elemanlar yöntemi ile gerçekleştirilmesi

Gemi İnşaatı ve Deniz Teknolojisi Teknik Kongresi 2012 (pp.355-364). İstanbul, Turkey               

Şahin, Z., Tuti, M., & Durgun, O., (2012). 

Bir Otomobil dizel Motorunda Emme Havasına Su püskürtülmesinin Motor Performansı ve Eksoz Gazları Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Deneysel İncelenmesi

12. Uluslararası Yanma Sempozyumu (pp.126-134). Kocaeli, Turkey               



Kayhan, H., Boran, M., & Köse, E., (2011). 

The Effect of Deep Sea Discharge of Wastewater of Cayeli Copper Company in the Marine Ecosystem of the South Eastern Black Sea

V. International Conference Aquaculture & Fisheries, -, Serbia And Montenegro               

Peşman, E., & Taylan, M., (2011). 

Effect of encounter angle on parametric roll motion in regular waves

INT-NAM 2011 (pp.377-345). İstanbul, Turkey               

Peşman, E., & Taylan, M., (2011). 

Influence of righting moment curve on parametric roll motion in regular longitudinal waves

IMAM 2011 (pp.135-141). Genova, Italy               

Saraç, B., Üncü, Ü., Ayhan, T., & Al Madani, H., (2011). 

Neural network modelling of heat transfer from a heated plate in an array of plates

2nd International Conference on Informatics, Çanakkale, Turkey               

Midilli, A., Küçük, H., & Dıncer, I., (2011). 

Exergetic Sustainability Evaluation of a Recirculating Aquaculture System

Global Conference on Global Warming, Lizbon, Portugal               


Dinçer, A. C., & Bahar, M., (2010). 

Monofilament Gillnet Selectivity for The Red Mullet (Mullus Barbatus) In Theeastern Black Sea Coast Of Turkey, Trabzon

39th CIESM Congress (pp.498). Venedik, Italy               

Başar, E., & Köse, E., (2010). 

Development of Postgraduate Maritime Education at Turkey, Technical Cooperation in Maritime Education and Training

Proceedings of The 11th Annual General Assembly International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) (pp.315-320). Pusan, South Korea               

Altın, İ., & Bilgin, A., (2010).

Modeling of the developing flame geometry for a pentroof type dual spark SI engine by using a 3D CAD software

11th International Combustion Symposium (pp.1-7). SARAYBOSNA, Bosnia And Herzegovina               

Küçük, H., Midilli, A., Çakmak, E., Özdemir, A., & Dıncer, I., (2010). 

Exergy Analysis of an Aquaculture System

5th International Ege Energy Symposium and Exhibition (IEESE-5), Denizli, Turkey               


Bilgin, A., Altın, İ., & Sezer, İ., (2009). 

Buji ateşlemeli motorda çift buji kullanılmasının egzoz emisyonları üzerindeki etkisinin farklı çalışma koşulları altında sanki boyutlu termodinamik çevrim modeli kullanılarak incelenmesi

17. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (pp.857-862). Sivas, Turkey               

Bilgin, A., Sezer, İ., & Altın, İ., (2009). 

Comparative investigation on the use of methanol and Methyl tert Butyl Ether in gasoline on the performance and fuel cost of a spark ignition engine

4th International Exergy, Energy And Environment Symposium (pp.1-6). Sharjah, United Arab Emirates               

Altın, İ., Bilgin, A., & Sezer, İ., (2009). 

Effects of spark locations on the performance parameters of a twin spark SI engine

4th International Exergy, Energy And Environment Symposium (pp.1-6). Sharjah, United Arab Emirates               

Peşman, E., & Taylan, M., (2009). 

Influence of hull form on parametric roll in longitudinal waves

IMAM 2009 (pp.177-185). İstanbul, Turkey               

Bali, T., & Saraç, B., (2009).

Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Correlations for Decaying Turbulent Swirl Flow with Multiple Swirl Generators

4th International Energy, Exergy and Environment Symposium, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates               

Kurtoğlu, İ. Z., Küçük, H., Alkan, A., & Özdemir, A., (2009).

Türkiye Deniz Balıkları Kuluçkahanelerinin Ekonomik Analizi ve Sürdürülebilirliği

15. Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, Rize, Turkey               


Altın, İ., & Bilgin, A., (2008). 

Buji ateşlemeli motorlarda alev cephesinin geometrik özelliklerinin katı model program kullanılarak belirlenmesi

10. Uluslararası Yanma Sempozyumu (pp.296-300). Sakarya, Turkey               

Bilgin, A., Sezer, İ., & Altın, İ., (2008). 

Strok çap oranının çift bujili buji ateşlemeli bir motorun yanma karakteristikleri üzerindeki etkisi

4. Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi (pp.59-63). Bursa, Turkey               

Sezer, İ., Altın, İ., & Bilgin, A., (2008). 

Buji ateşlemeli motorlarda çalışma koşullarının etkilerinin ekserji analiziyle incelenmesi

4. Otomotiv Teknolojileri Kongresi (pp.485-493). Bursa, Turkey               

Peşman, E., & Taylan, M., (2008). 

Baştan gelen düzenli dalgalarda yalpa hareketi analizi

Gemi İnşaatı ve Deniz Teknolojisi Teknik Kongresi 2008 (pp.14-23). İstanbul, Turkey               



Köse, E., Uğurlu, Ö., & Başar, E., (2007). 

BTC ve BOTAS Ceyhan Deniz Terminali Simülasyonu

Ulusal Su Günleri 2007 (pp.455). Antalya, Turkey               

Erüz, C., Özşeker, K., Kose, E., Seyhan, K., & Feyzıoglu, M., (2007). 

Küresel Isınmanın Karadeniz ve Balıkçılığa Muhtemel Etkisi

Ulusal Su Günleri 2007 (pp.516-525). Antalya, Turkey               

Sivri, N., Köse, E., & Erüz, C., (2007). 

Effects of Local Currents on the Distribution in the South-Eastern Black Sea

International Conference on Environment: Survival and Sustainability (pp.150-155). Girne, Turkey               

Peşman, E., Bayraktar, D., & Taylan, M., (2007). 

Influence of damping on the roll motion of ships

ICMRT'07 (pp.127-133). Napoli, Italy               

Bali, T., & Saraç, B., (2007). 

Heat ransfer and friction factor correlations for decaying turbulent swirl flow in a horizantal pipe

The 3rd Int. Energy, Exergy and Enverironmental Symposium, Evora, Portugal               

Küçük, H., & Asan, H., (2007). 

Kaçık Merkezli Halka Kesitli Eğrisel Kanallarda Isı Transferinin İncelenmesi

16. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (ULIBTK?07), Kayseri, Turkey               



Dinçer, A. C., & Düzgüneş, E., (2006). 

Fisheries and Fisheries Management in the Black Sea, Turkey

1. Biannual Scientific Conference. İstanbul. Black Sea Ecosystem 2005 and Beyond (pp.138). Ankara, Turkey               

Dinçer, A. C., & Zengin, M., (2006). 

Reduction of Bycatch in shrimp (Parapenaues longirostic, Lucas 1846) Beam Trawl UsingSeperator Panel in Marmara Sea

ICES-FAO Working Group on Fishing Technology and Fish Behaviour (pp.256-261). İzmir, Turkey               

Güneroğlu, A., Köse, E., & Feyzioğlu, A. M., (2006).

Evaluation Modis-Aqua chlorophyll and SST data in Southern Waters of the Black Sea? International seminar on coastal water management and sustainable use of marine resources

INOC Conference (pp.209-218). Dakar, Senegal               

Guneroglu, A., Kose, E., Feyzioğlu, A. M., Erüz, C., Basar, E., Yıldız, İ., Özşeker, K., (2006).  

Dynamics of Total Suspended Matter on the  Southern Coast of Black Sea

Black Sea Ecosystem 2005 and Beyond (pp.81-92). İstanbul, Turkey               

Erüz, C., Özşeker, K., Köse, E., Feyzioğlu, A. M., Güneroğlu, A., & Yıldız, İ., (2006). 

Grain Size Distribution and Heavy Metal Accumulation of the South Eastern Black Sea Coastal Sediments

Black Sea Ecosystem 2005 and Beyond (pp.274-280). İstanbul, Turkey               

Bali, T., & Saraç, B., (2006). 

Analysis of Exergetic Efficiency for Turbulent Swirl Flow in a Circular Pipe with Multiple Swirl Generators

2th International Green Energy Conference, Oshawa, Canada               



Güneroğlu, A., Feyzioğlu, A. M., Karslı, F., Köse, E., & Yıldız, İ., (2005). 

Mapping and Comparison Different Sensors? Geophysical Products in Eastern Black Sea Region

MERIS ?AATSR Workshop, European Space Agency (ESA) (pp.210-217). Frascati, Italy       

Başar, E., & Köse, E., (2005). 

Due to The Heavy Marine Traffic And Associated Risk The Oil Spill Scenarios at Kandilli Which is The Narrowest Point in İstanbul Strait

2005 International Oil Spill Conferance (pp.1254-1261). Miami, United States Of America               

Güneroğlu, A., Özşeker, K., Köse, E., Erüz, C., & Başar, E., (2005). 

Dynamics of Total Suspended Matter on The Southern Coast of Black Sea

1st Biannual Scientific Conferance Black Sea Ecosystem 2005 and Beyond, İstanbul, Turkey               

Altın, İ., & Bilgin, A., (2005). 

Benzin motorlarında çift buji kullanımının motor performans parametrelerine etkisinin teorik olarak incelenmesi

15. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (pp.192-196). Trabzon, Turkey               

Bilgin, A., & Altın, İ., (2005). 

Silindir kafasında çift buji ikiz buji bulunan bir benzin motoru çevriminin sanki boyutlu termodinamik modellemesi

IX. Otomotiv ve Yan Sanayi Sempozyumu (pp.94-100). Bursa, Turkey               

Peşman, E., Durgun, O., & Ölmez, H., (2005). 

Karadeniz balıkçı teknelerinde sevk sistemi tasarımı

Gemi makineleri işletme mühendisleri II. ulusal kongresi (pp.88-96). İstanbul, Turkey               

Bali, T., & Saraç, B., (2005). 

Dönme üreteçlerine ait şekil direnci katsayılarının belirlenmesi için boyut analizi esaslı bir yöntem

15. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (pp.735-740). Trabzon, Turkey               

Saraç, B., & Bali, T., (2005). 

Eksenel dönme üreteçlerinin değişik tip ve konumları için azalan dönmeli akışta ısı geçişi ve basınç düşümü incelemeleri

15. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (pp.135-142). , Turkey               

Saraç, B., Bali, T., & Ayhan, T., (2005). 

Heat transfer pressure drop and exergy relationship for tubes axial swirling flow promoters

14th International Conference on Thermal Engineering and Thermogrametry, Budapest, Hungary               

Küçük, H., & Asan, H., (2005). 

Halka Kesitli Kanallarda Eğriliğin Yerel Isı Transferine Etkisi

15. Ulusal Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Kongresi (ULIBTK?05) (pp.823-828). Trabzon, Turkey               

Midilli, A., & Küçük, H., (2005). 

Experimental Investigation of Thin Layer Drying Behaviour and Conditions of the Anchovy

14th International THERMO Conference, Budapeste, Hungary               



Kolaylı, H., Arslan, M., Şen, C., Yılmaz, C., Erüz, C., Köse, E., Feyzioğlu, A. M., (2004). 

Doğu Karadeniz?de (Trabzon-Akçaabat) deniz kıyısından 12-16 km açıkta bulunan su altı yükseltilerinin jeolojik özellikleri

Kıyı ve Deniz Jeolojisi Sempozyumu Bildiri Özleri Kitabı (pp.74-75). İstanbul, Turkey   

Şen, C., Kolaylı, H., Erüz, C., Yılmaz, C., Arslan, M., Köse, E., Feyzioğlu, A. M. (2004). 

Deniz-hızlı kentleşme etkileşimine Karadeniz?den bir örnek: Fener (Yoros) burnu-Trabzon kıyı hattı

Kıyı ve Deniz Jeolojisi Sempozyumu Bildiri Özleri Kitabı (pp.79-80). İstanbul, Turkey               

Guneroglu, A., Erüz, C., Basar, E., & Kose, E., (2004). 

CBS Tekniği Kullanılarak İç Su Yetiştiriciliği İçin En Uygun Yer Analizi

XII Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu (pp.102-103). Elazığ, Turkey               

Erüz, C., Kose, E., Feyzıoglu, M., & Sivri, N., (2004). 

Değirmendere?nin Bazı Fizikokimyasal Parametrelerini İrdelenmesi ve Modellemesi

Türkiye?nin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları V. Ulusal Konferansı (pp.805-814). Adana, Turkey               

Baki, B., Tanyaş, P. M., & Özkök, M., (2004). 

The Problems of The Logistics Sector In Turkey and Solution Suggestions

International Logistics Congress (pp.962-970). İzmir, Turkey    

Baki, B., Tanyaş, M., & Özkök, M., (2004).

The Logistics Education In The Universities of Turkey

International Logistics Congress (pp.409-419). İzmir, Turkey   

Baki, B., Tanyaş, P. M., & Özkök, M., (2004).

The Effects Of Economic Crisis On Third Party Logistics Providers (3 PL) In Turkey

10th World Conference On Transport Research (pp.1414-1415). İstanbul, Turkey               

Durgun, O., & Peşman, E., (2004). 

Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesinde Gemi İnşa Sanayisinin Durumu ve Olası Gelişmeler

Gemi Mühendisliği ve Sanayimiz Sempozyumu (pp.8-15). İstanbul, Turkey               



Dinçer, A. C., (2003). 

A Review on the Development of Turkish Fishing Fleet in Relation to Fish Production

International Conference on Scientific and policy challenges towards an effective management of the Marine Environment (pp.122). Varna, Bulgaria           

Erüz, C., Köse, E., Başar, E., Güneroğlu, A., & Sivri, N., (2003). 

Seasonal Water Mass Properities of The Southeastern Black Sea

International Conferance Scientific and Policy Challenges Towards an Effectve Management of The Marine Environment in Support of Regional Sustainable Development Emphasis on The Black Sea and The Mediterranean Regions, Varna, Bulgaria            

Erkabay, Ş., Köse, E., Başar, E., Güneroğlu, A., Sivri, N., & Erüz, C., (2003). 

Case Study of Modeling Wsatewater Outfall Plumes in Trabzon

Proceedings of the International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment (pp.1057-1056). Raverna, Italy  

Başar, E., & Köse, E., (2003). 

Risk Assessment of Oil Tanker Unloading Point in the South-Eastern Black Sea-Trabzon Station

Proceedings of the International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment (pp.1127-1136). Raverna, Italy        

Altın, İ., & Bilgin, A., (2003). 

Buji ateşlemeli motorlarda hızlı yanma

I. Ege Enerji Sempozyumu ve Sergisi (pp.262-266). Bursa, Turkey               

Birol, Y., Kara, G., Ucuncuoglu, S., & Usta, M., (2003). 

The effect of homogenization practice on the microstructure of AA6063 alloys

3rd Symposium on Hot Deformation of Aluminum Alloys (pp.463-472). California, United States Of America               



Erüz, C., Guneroglu, A., Basar, E., Kose, E., Feyzıoglu, M., & Erkebay, S., (2002). 

Deniz Bilgi Sistemi Kurmaya Yönelik Temel CBS Altlıkları ve 3-B Sürmene Koyu Modeli TÜRKİYE KIYILARI 02

Türkiye?nin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları IV. Ulusal Konferansı (pp.1099-1107). İzmir, Turkey 

Erüz, C., Köse, E., Sivri, N., & Erkebay, S., (2002). 

Trabzon Yöresindeki Derin Deniz Deşarj Sistemlerinin Modellenmesi, TÜRKİYE KIYILARI 02

Türkiye?nin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları IV. Ulusal Konferansı (pp.1195-1207). İzmir, Turkey  

Basar, E., Erüz, C., Guneroglu, A., Kose, E., & Gulten, Y., (2002). 

Trabzon-Rize Sahil Yolunun Kıyısal Alanlara Fiziksel Etkileri

Türkiye Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları IV. Ulusal Konferansı (pp.1195-1207). İzmir, Turkey   

Erüz, C., Kose, E., Sivri, N., & Erkebay, S., (2002). 

Trabzon Yöresindeki Derin Deniz Deşarj Sistemlerinin Modellenmesi

Türkiye?nin Kıyı ve Deniz Alanları IV. Ulusal Konferansı (pp.1195-1207). İzmir, Turkey 

Güneroğlu, A., Köse, E., Erüz, C., Feyzioğlu, A. M., & Gülten, Y., (2002). 

Case Study of Identifying  Suitable Areas for Commercial Open Sea Fishfarming by Using GIS

Oceanography of the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea (pp.920-923). Ankara, Turkey   

Bırol, Y., & Kara, G., (2002). 

Fe/Si oranının şerit döküm AA8011 alaşımının mikroyapısına etkisi

Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi (pp.100-1004). İstanbul, Turkey          

Bırol, Y., & Kara, G., (2002). 

Şerit döküm AlFeSi alaşımlarından ısı dönüştürücü levha üretimi

Metalurji ve Malzeme Kongresi (pp.105-107). İstanbul, Turkey               


Bırol, Y., Zeybekoglu, H., Kara, G., Dundar, M., Cakır, O., Akkurt, A., Yıldızbayrak, G.(2001). 

Twin-roll cast 5000 series aluminum sheet for automotive applications

Symposium on Automotive Aluminum 2001/Aluminum Joining Including Friction Stir Welding held at the 2001 TMS Annual Meeting (pp.107-113). Louisiana, United States Of America               


Seyhan, K., Dinçer, A. C., Demirhan, S. A., Genç, N., & Engin, S., (2000). 

Doğu Karadeniz?deki Gırgır Teknelerinin 1996-1997 ve 1997-1998 Av Sezonlarının Değerlendirilmesi

Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu (pp.344-348). Sinop, Turkey           

Düzgüneş, E., & Dinçer, A. C., (2000). 

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