
T3N-BSB Transnational Technology Transfer Network for the Black Sea Basin Online Kick-Off Meeting

The "Kick-Off Meeting" of the "T3N-BSB Transnational Technology Transfer Network for the Black Sea Basin" project, which is carried out within the scope of the NEXT Black Sea Basin Program (Interreg VI-B) under the leadership of KTU Technology Transfer Application and Research Center (TTC), "Centre for Research and Technology Hellas" (CERTH) from Greece, "Bulgarian Association for Transfer of Technology and Innovation" (BATTI) from Bulgaria and "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati (UDJG) from Romania, was held online on 14.08.2024 with the participation of all institution representatives.

The meeting began with the Project Partners informing each other about the completed activities in the T3N-BSB Project and making presentations about the activities to be carried out in the future. Afterwards, the timeline of the project was discussed and a common understanding was created on what needed to be done in the future of the project and what steps needed to be taken in order to achieve the most efficient results.

The overall objective of the project; is to contribute to the developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies with creation sustainable transnational network structures and for sharing good practices and know-how on the use of innovative technological developments especially in blue economy, low carbon economy, resilience and adaptation to climate change fields. To be informed about the training and events to be held within the scope of the project carried out for this purpose; you can follow our website and social media accounts.


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15 August 2024