
Our Academics Delivered an Outstanding Performance in the "World's Most Influential Scientists List?

Stanford University has published a list of the most highly cited scientists, representing the top 2% of researchers worldwide based on 2023 data. The list, published in the Elsevier database, includes scientists from 22 scientific fields and 174 subfields under the categories of "Career-Long Impact" and "Annual Impact."

In the "Career-Long Impact" category of the "World's Most Influential Scientists" list, 23 academics from our university were recognized, while 43 academics were featured in the "Annual Impact" category. The academics from our university who made it to this prestigious list are as follows:


Scientists who feature in the "annual impact" category are as follows:

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SARI-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Gökhan AYDIN-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Kamil KAYGUSUZ- Natural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Orhan AYDIN-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Can ALTUNIŞIK-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Hacı DEVECİ-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Tayfun DEDE-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Mehmet ERTUĞRUL-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Gençağa PÜRÇEK-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Bayram ERÇIKDI-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Aykut ÇANAKÇI-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Murat TOPBAŞ-Medical and Health Sciences

Prof. Dr. Nurettin YAYLI-Medical and Health Sciences

Prof. Dr. İbrahim ALP-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Temel VAROL-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Ersin Yener YAZICI-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. İzzet KARAKURT-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Zekeriya BIYIKLIOĞLU- Natural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Aykut AYGÜN-Engineering and Technology

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ertuğrul AYYILDIZ-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Selçuk BİLGEN- Natural Sciences

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer Faruk YILMAZ-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Hamdi Tolga KAHRAMAN-Engineering and Technology

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serkan BIYIK-Engineering and Technology

Asst. Prof. Dr. Gökhan HEKİMOĞLU-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Volkan KAHYA-Engineering and Technology

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burak MARKAL-Engineering and Technology

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mert GÜLÜM-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Metin HÜSEM-Engineering and Technology

Asst. Prof. Dr. Fatih GÜRCAN-Social Sciences

Prof. Dr. İsa ÇÖMEZ-Engineering and Technology

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gül Deniz ÇAYLI- Natural Sciences

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Önder AYDEMİR-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Ayhan KESİMAL-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Şükrü ÖZŞAHİN-Agriculture & Forestry

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ferdi CİHANGİR-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Oktay CELEP-Engineering and Technology



Scientists who feature in the " Career-Long Impact " category are as follows:

Prof. Dr. Ahmet SARI-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Kamil KAYGUSUZ-Natural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Orhan AYDIN-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Gökhan AYDIN-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Hacı DEVECİ-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Aykut ÇANAKÇI-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Selçuk BİLGEN- Natural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Mehmet ERTUĞRUL-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Gençağa PÜRÇEK-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Gökay NEMLİ-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Can ALTUNIŞIK-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Zekeriya BIYIKLIOĞLU- Natural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Vedat TOĞAN-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Tayfun DEDE-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. İzzet KARAKURT-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Murat TOPBAŞ-Medical and Health Sciences

Prof. Dr. Nurettin YAYLI-Medical and Health Sciences

Prof. Dr. Ayhan KESİMAL-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. İbrahim ALP-Engineering and Technology

Prof. Dr. Bayram ERÇIKDI-Engineering and Technology

24 September 2024